Brindle Male American Mastiff
Born November 2004
Sire: Deepwood Diesel
Dam: Duchess of Deepwood
Below are pictures and updates from Dexter's new family in Media, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Dexter during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 9 years old.
Hi Sandy & Jim!
Dexter is doing great! He is such a good boy!
I just had to drop you a note and tell you that I had the pleasure of meeting another American Mastiff Mom!
I was working. I am a store manager for Chico's in Paoli, PA. I was helping a woman and as she was
leaving she made a comment about her "175lb dog". I just had a feeling, I asked what kind and she said American
Mastiff! I smiled and said me too!! She asked me where mine was from and sure enough it was Deepwood!
It was Hazmat's Mom! We had the best time talking about our boys! She had him in the car and was nice
enough to bring him to see me in front of the store! He is beautiful! It really made my day!
There is something special about our Deepwood family!
Here are a couple pics of Dexter; he is becoming very distinguished looking!
Pictured below at 8 years old.
Hi! I know it has been a while but wanted to say Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!
Dexter is fabulous! He has a brother who rescued us last year! A pitbull mix we
came across named Odie. Dexter wasn't sure what that thing was and why it was running
around the house but now they have settled in nicely. He has been a good big brother!
It's hard to believe that Dexter celebrated his 8th birthday this year! He is still as sweet
and gentle as ever. We just had him to my mother in laws for Christmas in Harrisburg.
After over seeing all the kids and excitement, he slept for over 12 hrs straight!
I have attached a more recent pic of him guarding the gifts or aka-napping.... He is such an
amazing dog and we are so grateful to have him in our lives. Thank you for bringing such wonderfulness
into the world!
Lou Ellen and Ken
Pictured below at 5 years old.

Sandy and Jim,
We hope you are having a wonderful Holiday season! I have attached some pics of our boy.
He is always ready to have his picture taken. He will sit as soon as he sees the camera!
Every year I try to get a "family" photo and Dexter is so good - the cat, however, is another story!
We had him out in our 22" of snow last week - he had fun burrowing and pouncing on anything that
stuck out of the drifts! Attached are some recent photos.
Happy New Year!
Ken, Lou Ellen & McKenna
Pictured below at 3 years old.
Jim and Sandy,
Hope all is well this holiday season! Our boy turned 3 and he is doing great!
He and Astro are often caught napping side by side, both curled tight as can be.
Here is our Christmas photo (McKenna 9-1/2, Dexter 3, Astro 1-1/2). Dexter,
as you can see, was ready for his close up but Astro had other ideas!
Dexter has developed into such a wonderful companion for our family. It amazes
me how he knows the sound of our cars and if anyone else drives in, he is on his
feet ensuring we are safe. The only catch is, he discovered how comfy our bed
is and understands the use of pillows completely! One day I came home from work
and couldn't find him anywhere - I got so worried as I ran through the house (not
a very big house I might add), thinking 'how can you lose a 190lb mastiff?!'
And there was our boy, as I rounded the bedroom corner, curled up as small as
he could get and lowering his head, trying very hard not to be seen! He knew
this was a no-no and slithered off the bed. Needless to say it's his bed
now and we just sleep in it a few hours a night...
Hope you have a great holiday season and Happy New Year!
Ken, Lou Ellen & McKenna
Pictured below at 2-1/2 years old.
Jim and Sandy,
Hi! Hope all is well. Just wanted to drop you a line and see if there are any litters are on the horizon?! Really looking forward
to adding to our family!
Dexter is doing great! He and our cat Astro have settled in as fast friends. Everyday he still sniffs Astro just to make sure it is "his kitty".
Dexter definately does not realize how big he is and often tries to get the cat to play ball - needless to say Astro wants no parts of a 180+lb ball toting Mastiff.
It ends with one furry declawed tap on the nose and Dex looking quite perplexed (picture a 3 Stooges episode!)
Keep us posted on the puppy watch!
Sincerely, Lou Ellen, Ken and McKenna
PS!! The pictures of Dexter and the TV - He was watching the Eukanuba Dog Show - literally. I have included 2 of the numerous shots
I got of him watching the dogs and turning away when the commercial came on!!!!
Watching the dog show.

Turning away during the commercial!

Pictured below at 2 years old.

Hi Sandy,
Hope all is well and you and your family had an enjoyable Thanksgiving!
Ken and I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that we are still interested in another puppy and hope we are still on the list.
Keep us posted when you think the next litter will arrive.
Dexter is doing great-just celebrated his 2 yr b-day! Hard to believe, it has gone by so fast!
We just replaced our fence and now he has free reign of the yard. He is a new man!! He gets to go right out the door into the yard now.
Once, he actually kicked his hind legs in the air like a mule because he was so excited! We joke that he is the "king of all he surveys"-he
does the dutiful perimeter stroll then settles into a spot right smack in the middle of the yard. We also have a new addition-Astro, McKenna's
brown tabby cat. Dex is still trying to figure out what this thing is that lays on his bed. It's very funny to see the 15 lb cat on an XL dog bed
and see the 180 lb Mastiff laying on the floor next to the bed! Attached are a few pics. Thank you for such a great boy!
Lou Ellen, Ken, and McKenna
Pictured below at 1 year old.

Jim and Sandy,
Just wanted to drop you a note and tell you how wonderful
Dexter is! He is getting to be such a big boy!
Now over 160 lbs of fun and fur he has really settled in
nicely as part of our family. He is protective of McKenna
who just turned 8 and lets us know if anyone is outside of
the house. This is particularly nice because Ken works
nights now. He has such a great personality, everything
is a party, even going to the vet. The only exception
is the groomer - though he is very cooperative.
He moans when he gets a bath - he loves the water.
He follows commands very well and listens to all of us now.
His favorite is going "by-bys in the car". This is really
funny when he is in my little Kia - he takes up the whole seat
and looks at everyone as they go by!
It is funny to see him at Pet Smart too. He knows they give
treats at the register and is like a little kid waiting for
his turn. He gets so excited he can't sit still.
We just wanted to say thank you again for such a wonderful boy!
Hope all is well with you all - take care!
Lou Ellen, Ken and McKenna
Pictured below at 5 months old.

Hi Sandy,
Dexter is doing great and tonight he completed intro to puppy classes at the local Petsmart.
We already signed him up for the next class which is intro to basic dog training 1.
Dexter is currently 92 lbs at 5.5 mos, he has been averaging 5 lbs a week since coming home.
Dexter is such a good puppy, he takes everything in stride.
He has made a trip to Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, he does very well in the car.
Ken, Lou Ellen and McKenna
Pictured below at 11 weeks old.

Hi Sandy,
Things are going great. Dexter is great with McKenna.
He walks her to the end of the driveway to catch the school bus in the morning and he cries
after she leaves on the bus.
We can't believe how fast he is growing, he has gained 7.5 lbs. in 21 days.
He has done an excellent job in housetraining and he is walking on a leash very nicely.
Also he just loves the snow, he will bury his nose in the snow then flip it up and watch the snow
fall to the ground like his own little blizzard!
Thanks again for such a wonderful gift,
PS: He has mastered the following commands sit, lay down, going to bed, come and
we are currently working on the stay command. We still haven't started puppy
classes but when we do I'm sure he will be at the head of the class.
Pictured below at 8 - 9 weeks old.

Hi Sandy,
Everything is going great. Dexter seems to be a very laid back puppy
and just kind of goes with the flow. His favorite hobby seems to be
napping. He is doing well with house training, he already knows to
go to the door if he needs to go outside. Also he listens very well,
if he is doing something that isn't desireable a simple but firm no is all
that is required for him to stop the behavior.
He is an awesome puppy.
I don't know what else to say, I could go on and on about
Dexter but everything has been so enjoyable with him.
Thanks again,

Above are pictures and updates from Dexter's new family in Media, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Dexter during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.