Below are pictures and updates from Max's new family in Charlotte, NC.
Click here to see pictures of
Max during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2 years old

January 2007
Hi Sandy,
I hope all is well. Max is doing great. I will send some pictures when I can get him to sit still.
He is so curious (actually he is down right nosy) and he has to come and investigate everything.
All of the pictures we have taken lately show Max sticking his nose in the lens.
He is so wonderful and I can't imagine life without him. Everyone tells us he was born for our family
because his personality matches ours.
We are still interested in getting another puppy from you and would like to change our preference from a fawn male
to a fawn female.
Take care,
Pictured below at 9 months old

Pictured below at 5 months old

Hi Sandy,
Max is doing great. He weighs about 85 lbs now and seems to grow everyday.
He is a character and keeps us on our toes everyday. Everyone loves him and
he has become the talk of the neighborhood.
Max passed his puppy class. We were so proud of him.
We bought him a little green stuffed dog we have named "Franklin".
Max loves him. He takes him everywhere and even sleeps with him.
If he comes out of the crate without him, it doesn't matter how bad he has to go to
the bathroom, he stops and goes back to get Franklin out of the crate.
I made the mistake of washing Franklin and Max whined the entire time he was
away from him. Max is so funny.
I don't think he realizes how big he is so he still tries to get in my lap when I sit on
the floor. I usually let him stay there until I loose feeling in my feet and then
I make him get up. His favorite thing is to run through the yard "chasing" the
wind. It is so funny to watch. He is really a great dog.