Below are pictures and updates from Lenox's new family in Madison, CT.
Click here to see pictures of
Lenox during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 14 months old.

January 4, 2008
Hi Sandy,
Things have been so busy here but I just wanted to share with you a few pictures of Lenox.
He keeps us on our toes. Literally he tries to pick Devon up off his feet by sticking
his big head between Devon's legs when he is standing. It is a sight. I have to
try and catch it on film one day soon.
We aren't going to the vet until the end of
them month so I am not sure what his weight is at this time but he is growing nicely.
He is finally filling out. He grew so tall first now he is definitely adding some
girth to his body. I honestly forget how big he is until we are out around people
who are not familiar with him. He is a great topic of conversation.
Lenox is fantastic with the kids. He really watches out for them. Reegan loves to climb all over him and
he lets her! Quinton, the baby, is still too small but I have finally let them feel
each other out. I've enclosed some pictures for you.
Happy New Year. Cheers to 2008!
Pictured below at 5 months old.

Pictured below at 2 months old.

Sorry it has taken so long to get you some new pictures, but adjusting to puppyhood has been interesting!
Lenox is a wonderful addition to our growing family. Devon is taking a major role in caring for him and
Reegan has quickly gotten over any "fears" of furry things she ever had. The poor pup has to hide from her I
think at times. She loves him to pieces. We can't thank you enough for everything.
Enclosed are some pics of Lenox... enjoy! He is growing like a weed. He was 31 lbs when we
last went to the vet.
Happy New Year!