Below are pictures from Shelby's new family in West Grove, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Shelby during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 11 years old.

Hello Sandy and Jim,
Our Shelby is now 11.5 years. We have been so blessed with her longevity. Up until last March, Shelby was an
incredibly healthy dog. She suffered a couple of falls on icy stairs, was very gimpy for a few days, but seemed to
shake it off. That Easter, we took her in for a visit because she was having accidents -- turns out it was from a
UTI from being too close to the ground when she urinated. Apparently, when they examined her, both her knees were bad --
likely she hurt them from the falls. We've treated her with carprofen and treated her UTIs since then.
It is becoming a more regular concern. She is otherwise completely sweet and lovely and good.
I just wanted to let you know how important Shelby is to our family. She is quite literally my best friend,
and the most gentle dog and funny dog. I have never had a problem with her disposition with anyone,
and with the exception of some cats and a couple of obnoxious small dogs, she is super-lovely with other animals too.
We are so grateful to have had her so long and we are hoping to improve her condition so that she can last until at least 12.
I attached two pictures. It is the one and ONLY time we have ever put clothes on her -- she was good luck for the Eagles.
Also, my daughter insisted that her graduation pictures include Shelby.
Thank you again for the gift of this amazing dog.
Kind regards,
Pictured below at 4 years old.
Dear Sandy and Jim,
Our Shelby turned 4 two days ago, and we thought you might like an updated photo. We've been remiss in updating you,
but wanted you to know what a wonderful dog she is, and how much she is loved.
She has turned
out to be fantastic with the children. 
Shelby is pretty smart (but lazy), and she has chosen the girls in our family
as her people, but loves everyone. She is cautious when people come over (she took that job from our
shepherd), but she is always friendly. She sleeps next to my side of the bed at night (and sometimes on the bed,
couch, etc. when she thinks we are not looking.
Anne and Tom