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Below are pictures and updates from Zeus's new family in Alexandria, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
Zeus during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 10 months old.

August 2007
We had the wondeful opportunity to visit Zeus at his home while we were delivering his new little brother,
Apollo. Zeus is an amazing dog! At ten months old, he's weighing in at 225 pounds.
He is all muscle - there is not an ounce of fat on his body. Apparently he's developed a love for
swimming in their inground pool. They had a special doggie door made for him (due to his size) and
he is able to take advantage of the pool whenever he wants. He's so tall, when he's at the shallow end,
he paddles with his front legs and walks on the bottom of the pool with his hind legs. He also goes
to the deep end where he swims with all four feet. He will even throw his
own ball in the pool so he can retrieve it! Very fun to watch! :-)
Thank you Kim for allowing us to come visit Zeus at your home!
Jim & Sandy

Pictured below at 10 months old with his new little brother Apollo.

Pictured below at 12 weeks old.

Sandy & Jim,
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know Zeus is doing GREAT. He went to the vet again
yesterday for his shots, and weighed in at 47lbs. For 12 weeks, he is growing SO fast.
I have attached some recent pictures of Zeus with his new best buddy, Teria. She is a 7 week old cho lab.
We are puppy sitting while my brother and his family are out of town this week. They get along great.
Zeus is a complete love, he is so sweet. I love him to death, even though he is a blanket hog in bed.
I cannot remember life without him.
Thanks so much, and I hope the holidays are great for you both.