Below are pictures from Binky's new family in Chatsworth, CA.
Click here to see pictures of
Binky during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Hello Sandy,
Just writing to you to let you know that on Friday 11/22 my beautiful runt of the litter Binky Bean passed.
She was 13 years 2 months old. It feels like it was just yesterday we picked her up from your place after
the Thanksgiving holiday back in 2006. She was my 30th birthday present and the best birthday present I could
have ever asked for. At the time my kids were 4 and 2. Binky quickly took on the role of playmate and protector.
My kids are now 17 and 15 and both loved her dearly and as a family we have helped each other cope with the loss of our
beautiful girl. I can tell you so many stories about Binky, but my email would go on forever.
I just wanted you to know that Binky made me smile, laugh, cringe (when she shared her natural gases), as well as
helped me learn how to ignore her during her blissful snoring hours at night, but most of all truly was the best
companion a girl could ask for. Words cannot explain how much I love her and she is forever imprinted in my heart.
Thank you again and I hope to be able to make a pit stop at your place sometime soon once I am ready to adopt again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Warm Regards,
Pictured below at 12 years old.

Hi Sandy,
Just wanted to let you know Binky is still bossing everyone around. I can't tell you how much I love her
and how wonderful it's been having her in my life. Love her to pieces and I wanted to share that with you.
Pics attached..... Binky either in the kitchen IN THE WAY when we're cooking or at my office working (sleeping) the day away.
Say hello to Jim and hope the rest of the family is doing well.
Warm Regards,
Pictured below at 8 years old.

Pictured below at 5 months old.

Pictured below at 2 months old.

Hello Sandy & Jim,
I want to take this opportunity to thank you both for your wonderful hospitality, and allowing us to share your dinner table and home.
We had a very uneventful trip back to California, Binky slept through it all. She is doing very well EXCEPT...she is nipping a lot.
Can you please suggest how we can rid her of this habit. I know part of it is she is a puppy and is teething. Other than that I have
been keeping her in the crate, she is such a good girl and has had few accidents in the house (mostly my fault).
Sandy I stole your idea and hung a bell at our back door, and am using the same technique, hopefully she will catch on.
I took her to the vet, she received all the necessary vaccinations and also had a stool sample done to make sure everything was okay...they just
called me and said all tests came back negative. She is now a healthy 17lbs, and is growing by the minute.
Once again, I am very happy with our choice, and want to let you know that she is in a loving home.
My children are excited about her. I have attached some pixs. Take care and I will keep sending you pixs of her.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful, safe and most importantly a healthy Christmas.
Geneo & Maria