Below are pictures and updates from Jazz's new family in Edgewood, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Jazz during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 4 years old
at our 2010 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 2 years old at our 2008 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 15 months old at our 2007 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 7 months old.

Hello Jim and Sandy,
Well we finally took pictures of Jazz and here they are. He is the hit of Petsmart
(graduated from puppy training) everytime we go and people are just amazed that he is
only 7 months old and this big (although I don't think he's big yet). He also thinks
that everyone in Petsmart should have to pet him (what a ham).
We get alot of compliments on his mask but he is unique. In low light we see more
black/fawn in his body but in bright light or sunlight we see more apricot.
I read that some people say they don't have morning dogs. Well Jazz is a morning,
afternoon and evening dog; he is always ready to go.
He weighed in at 113.6 lbs at 7 months and is gaining about 4-5 lbs each week;
he is also approximately 33 inches tall at the shoulders.
We hope you enjoy these pictures and hope to see you when the weather breaks.
The Jarvis Family