Below are pictures and updates from Dozer's new family
Lazy M Mastiffs (an AMBC-approved breeder) located in Granby, MA.
Click here to see pictures of
Dozer during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 18 months old.

Hi Sandy,
I finally got some good shots of Dozer. He LOVES to be outside, especially
when he can play in the snow. It has snowed
A LOT this winter, so needless to say, he's a happy dog. I can't believe he's
18 months old, and as of yesterday, he weighs in at 185 pounds. He is still
taller behind (almost 34") but is slowly catching up. As you can see, he's
working on growing his head. He is still as sweet and patient as ever. He
has to be now that we have another pup for him to help raise. Dozer continues to be an ambassador
for the breed, and draws a crowd wherever he goes. Once spring gets here, and
soccer season starts again, Dozer will spend his weekends at various fields in
western MA. If he keeps growing, we'll have to hook up the horse trailer.
Take care,
Kerry, & the gang at the Lazy M
Pictured below at 12 months old.

Hi Sandy,
Here are some long awaited pictures of Dozer. At 1 year old, he stands 33" and weighs
175 pounds. We absolutely LOVE him. Despite his giant size, he is the most
gentle dog. The smaller the person, the more gentle he is. Our friends came
over with their 3 week old baby, and Dozer kept watch over her all day. My kids can
walk him anywhere and he calmly walks along beside them. If you ever have anyone who
is wondering about mastiffs and small children, please have them contact me. He is awesome.
He was great with the pups too. At first, he was afraid to be around them. He would
lie very still and let them crawl all over him, but he would NOT get up unless they were all far away from him.
Once they got a bit bigger, he would play with them. Again, he was always gentle and extremely
careful. It was like watching King Kong with the tiny little woman. I think he was more sad
than their momma to see the pups go to their new homes.
Hope all is well at your house.