Below are pictures and updates from Winston's new family in Berwyn, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Winston during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2-1/2 years old.

Pictured below at 2 years 3 months old.

Pictured below at 1-1/2 years old.

Pictured below at 15 months old.

Pictured below at 12 months old.

Pictured below at 8 months old.

Hi Sandy,
So here is Winston enjoying the sofa. Not only does he want to be on the sofa, but I've never met
such a lap dog!
Winston is not standing at a door in the other pix but the window above my kitchen sink!
It scared the hell out of me the first time he did it! I was washing dishes and next thing I know there's
a monster looking at me!
More to come!