Below are pictures from Riley's new family.
Click here to see pictures of
Riley during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2 years old
at our 2009 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 12 months old.

Pictured below at 11 months old.

Pictured below at 9 months old.

Pictured below at 7 months old.

Pictured below at 4 months old.

Pictured below at 3 months old.

Hello Jim and Sandy,
I hope this email finds you both well and I hope you had a Happy New Year.
Riley is 17 weeks and he's doing great! Just came from the vet, he's 48 lbs and healthy as a horse!
He just graduated puppy kindergarten. He knows sit, down, stand and shake! Coming when called is a
work in progress... He's still biting a little bit but Sue and I adopted your "zero tolerance" policy.
The "OUCH" works most of the time... when it doesn't we just time him out and leave the room for a few minutes...
he gets the point. We are signing him up for the next class called basic manners which starts in a couple of
weeks. I'm getting him out and about alot but at the same time putting him in his crate so he doesn't get
withdrawal. He goes into his crate and lies down sometimes without the command... it's hysterical!
We do give him treats but they are all natural stuff with no bad chemicals or anything. The training center
uses food as re-enforcement which I really didn't want to do but its working out. He's getting better at leash
walking... morning and late afternoon he's great... it's the 6:00-8:30pm he really starts acting up. He started
barking at George (our cat) last week and I'm trying to teach Riley that this is not acceptable. I think he's
getting the fact that I am the boss... I don't even let him go out the door before I do... I'm first!
He definitely tries to get away with more with Sue... not me really. He will bite her sweater but if
I walk into the room he stops. I'm guessing because I'm spending more time with him
than Sue is? He is a great dog though. Learning to make meals with Riley butting
up against you with his toys is quite a challenge! He's in the truck with me every
morning when I hit Starbucks... he just stares out the window and takes in all the
noises and faces... it's really fun to watch. He definitely started testing us in
the last 2 weeks so I figure we are beginning the adolescent phase. Any advice is
always welcome from you both.
Take care and we hope you have a great year!
Ken and Sue