Below are pictures and updates from Stella's new family in Forsyth, IL.
Click here to see pictures of
Stella during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 7 years old
with Miller at 3 months old.
Stella loves Miller. She was a little put out at first when Miller showed up but she adjusted
rather quickly and now the two of them rough house and play tug and sleep next to each other during the day.
Having Miller has made her a lot more playful. She keeps him entertained. Of course there can be a
downside as well. We could have Miller all settled down chewing on a toy by us and she will
come along and take it and entice him into a game of tug or rough housing. They make so much noise
it is hard to hear the television of the grrring and barks.
I'm attaching a picture of them together sleeping with a toy between their heads.
Pictured below at 6 years old.

Stella is such a wonderful dog and we really love her. She is very "verbal" which sounds like that
is not unusual from what I have read from others on your website. She adores our kids, is my
companion (or should I say shadow) when I'm at home during the day. She has funny little ways
of communicating with us like taking her paw and gently tapping her metal bowl when she would like
food or water. She also does this when her bowl is full of food and she would like a little
something that she smells from the dinner table added to it. She knows where her treats are
kept and will sit by the door and give us a little noise at first, which progressively gets louder
if we don't get the hint right away. She does the same thing to go out and knocks or barks
to get back in. If we are not quick enough she will go down our back deck steps and tap on
all of the windows in the basement until someone comes to let her in. Her Kong toy is her
favorite thing in life but even the largest, toughest one is not strong enough to withstand her
chewing for too long.
Our new place has about 2 acres on it so she has a lot of room to roam and a couple of ponds to play
in with the kids. We also have a ton of geese that she pretty much just sits and watches
from our deck unless we tell her to do her job and then she'll chase them off our property.
She's very funny and we can't imagine not having her in our lives.
We looked at all of your beautiful dogs and would love to have a puppy from a Boss/Reese litter.
We are really fond of the brindle and apricot mix which is exactly what Stella's parents were.
Pictured below at 6 months old.

Hi Sandy -
Just checking in to let you know Stella has passed two puppy classes now and has been spayed.
What do we need to send to you in order to have the microchip information and her papers?
I'm attaching recent photos of Stella. She's a gorgeous gal and lots of fun. She spent the morning
at the dog park and farmer's market with us. She loves everyone and is so gentle when people approach -
especially babies. She's very good with other dogs as well.
Also - about how long is the waiting list for a male fawn? What about a male brindle?
We are absolutely in love with the breed and know we will look for a male in the future -
not too soon, but I am curious about the waiting list.
Congratulations on another beautiful litter.

Pictured below at 16 weeks old.
Sandy -
More pictures of Stella. She is growing so fast! What a great-mannered little gal she is turning out to be.
Potty training is done and we're almost through our first set of puppy classes. She's learned to sit, stay,
and 'down' (still working on that one). Her favorite toy is a tennis ball. I never knew this breed liked
to retrieve, but that's her favorite thing to do! She likes to sleep with our daughter Reese when Reese
goes to bed, then we bring her out with us to play for a while and she goes to bed when we do.
Yes - she's still in our bed, but she's never woken us up in the middle of the night to go out, so it's
been worth it. Luckily we have a large bed. She's such a great girl - every where we go people tell
us how beautiful and well-mannered she is. We love her and thank you for brining us together.
Last vet appt. a week ago she weighed 43 pounds.
Pictured below at 13 weeks old.

Pictured below at 10 weeks old.

Pictured below at 8 weeks old.

Sandy -
Stella is great. Our dog, Darby, is really taking to her, so I think that
helped with the transition. She's smart and knows the words
'ball', 'sit', and 'no'. She's pretty much figured out
her name and knows how to go out the door and come back
in when she's finished. Potty training is still a
work in process.
Here are a few photos of Stella, Stella
with our dog, and Stella with my daughter Reese.
All the best -
Above are pictures and updates from Stella's new family in Forsyth, IL.
Click here to see pictures of
Stella during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.