Below are pictures and updates from Newman's new family in Gaithersburg, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Newman during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 5 years old

Pictured below at 4 years old

Pictured below at 2.5 years old

Pictured below at 8 months old at our 2008 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 6 months old.
Here are some pictures I took yesterday with my phone. Newman had a play date with a 16 month
old male Great Dane named Eli. There is also one of Newman on the sofa (he sneaked on when
I wasn't looking).
At 7 months he is right around 130 lbs and now thinks our bed is his bed :)
He has a very nice bed right beside ours but I guess we aren't in it with him :)
The puppies all look great. I can't tell you how many people want one after seeing Newman.
We are looking forward to the next reunion. Do you know when it is going to be this year?
Talk to you soon