Below are pictures and updates from Bubbles's new family in Corning, NY.
Click here to see pictures of
Bubbles during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 12.5 years old.

Pictured below at 10 years old.

Pictured below at 6 years old.
Hi Jim and Sandy.
Couldn't resist sending this pic of our beloved Bubbles. A wonderful companion and "best friend".
And still a beauty!! She will be 7 on her birthday this December. She's topped out around 130.
But gentle enough that she only seems that big when the girls are trying to escape her slobber in the backseat
after a nice walk!! Lol!! Not sure any other dog would ever measure up, though I admit that I do peek
at your puppies from time to time. This summers' litters are gorgeous...!!!
Best to you all,
Pictured below at 3 years old.
Hi Sandy -
It's been way too long since I have been in touch or shared pics of our beloved Bubbles.
Her name still cracks people up... for such a big dog. But the twins and I watched a movie the other
night where a Great Dane was named Mouse. Frankly we voted that Bubbles was a much better name.
And somehow it suits her.
I am still in awe of her. She has always been such a great dog. Super smart, easy to train,
sweet and mellow. She loves everyone who walks through my door - and loves just " hanging out" with us.
In fact, the only thing that comes a close second to being with her family is water. Her favorite thing to do
is to get in a river, lake, sprinkler, hose... even our walk in shower!!
She loves it.
I have to say, I think my girls enjoy her more now they are older and bigger than her. She was always good
with them but they instinctively used to get out of her way when she came bounding towards them.
Now - they argue over who gets to hold the leash when walking her! Here is a picture the girls took
after playing with her in the sprinkler. They gave her one of their beach towels to dry her off.
And for some reason they thought it hilarious that they could rearrange the towel, longways, sideways, over her head, etc.
while she just sat there soaking up the attention.
Best to you all.