Below are pictures and updates from Brodie's new family in Chesapeake, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
Brodie during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 3 years old
with his "brother" Diesel at 8 weeks old.

Pictured below at 6 months old.

Sandy and Jim,
Well Brodie has turned 6 months old on Tuesday (9 June). I have to bring him to the Vet to get weighed,
but he has to be 80+ pounds now. Solid as a rock. We have started obedience training last Saturday.
We were the ones that really needed the training. As it turned out, we were in Brodies' pack instead
of him being in ours. In just a few hours and exercises, we all were back on top of the food chain.
We still have a lot of work to do with Brodie, but the changes so far are dramatic in his demeanor and behavior.
He's doing great!
He loves the water. So much I got him a Doggy Dock for the pool. HE LOVES IT!
He acts like a little kid in the water, splashing and playing. It is such a good feeling to have him a part
of everything we do as a family.
Pictured below at 4 months old.

Hi Sandy & Jim,
Just took Brodie to the Vet to get his last booster shot. He weighed in at 74 pounds.
I bought a dog ramp so he can get in and out of the truck. If he sees me get the ramp, he gets
all excited because he knows he's going for a ride. We have the trainer lined up for week after next
to start his obedience training. He is very smart, and loving. My daughter Katie is his playmate.
She will run and he chases her. He will sit in front of her door in the morning just waiting for her to get up.
These are the best times with him. He has such a personality. We all love him so.
Thanks and talk to you soon.
Joe, Linda, Brodie and the Family