Below are pictures and updates from Hobbes's new family, originally in Fort Polk, LA, now in Arizona.
Click here to see pictures of
Hobbes during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 5 years old.

Pictured below at 3 years old.

Hi Sandy,
We are still in Arizona at least through the end of June, then it looks like the army is sending us to
Ft. Lewis, Washington. We said good-bye this past year to our Chloe,
the brindle pitbull mix pictured with Hobbes, and that was very hard on all of us but most of all Hobbes.
He was very attached to his playmate. But he has recovered nicely and transferred all of that attachment
to Sydney. If we thought she was his baby before, they are absolutely inseparable now!
She of course, returns his affections. He gets more kisses than we do!! He is also her most
favorite piece of furniture as you can see by the picture. If he is comfortably relaxing,
she is right there with him. Sydney also loves to take him for walks but I somehow think Hobbes
is walking her. They are so fun to watch play together.
In early March we will be welcoming another little member of our family and Sydney will be a big sister.
I'm sure it won't take Hobbes long to claim this baby too :-)
Neysa & Josh
Pictured below at 2 years old.

Hi Sandy,
How quickly the first couple of years have gone by. Hobbes celebrated both of his birthdays while
we were home in Phoenix for Christmas. There is a doggy boutique in one of the malls that has a
"bakery" in it full of goodies just for dogs. We took Hobbes down and got him a birthday
bone which he thoroughly loved. I think his favorite part was walking around and all the
attention he got. He loves everyone and is very good about sitting and waiting for people
to come love him. He knows that he is hard to resist.
How quickly life in the military
changes! We are no longer in Louisiana but now home in Arizona! We
built a house down here and Hobbes has already given his approval of the enormous backyard that he enjoys.
He really loves to lay in the middle of the patio soaking up the sun and lounging. There is also an
enormous greenbelt across the street from us that he enjoys exploring and wearing himself out. Last year
for Labor Day we took the dogs to a great historic hotel in Winslow, AZ. The hotel loves to have families
bring their four-legged family members so we had a family photo taken complete with cousins Rudy & Merlin.
In May we welcomed another member of our family, our daughter Sydney. It didn't take long to realize
that she was Hobbes' baby. If he comes into a room and can't immediately see her, he goes on a hunt.
He is extremely protective and likes to be near whoever is holding her at all times. If she starts to
cry in her crib, he comes running to find someone and sits staring at you like he's saying, "don't you hear
my baby, she's not happy." He just adores her.
We just thought you would like to know how he was doing. When he went to the vet in March for
his annual shots he weighed in at 210 lbs. He is starting to mellow slightly but definitely still has that
puppy spunk.
We hope you are doing well,
Josh & Neysa