Below are pictures and updates from Daegan's new family in Bryans Road, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Daegan during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 7.5 years old with her friend Kieren in background.

Pictured below at 5 years old.

Hi Sandy and Jim,
It is really hard to imagine that Daegan is already 5 years old. She is still
just as sweet as ever and such a good girl. Her muzzle has a bit more
gray and she takes her time getting up or sitting down. She remains in the
175 pound range which is just fine with me. She doesn't need to be hauling
around any extra weight, especially with the heat this summer.
She is happy to stay inside most of the day and saves her outside time
for early morning and later evenings.
I hope all is going well for you and yours,
Pictured below 4 years old at our 2012 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 4 years old with her friend Kieren.

Pictured below at 3.5 years old.

Hi Sandy and Jim,
We finally have a nice, warm sunny day, good for a few new photos. Daegan had her semi-annual
vet check-up 2 weeks ago. She surprised me with a 10 pound weight gain since her appointment
6 months ago. She is now at 3 years, 7 months and weighed in at 176.4 pounds.
I asked the vet if that weight was OK since they said last year that 150 was a good weight for her,
but he said he didn't see much fat on her
and that she was in great shape. So, I guess she is in the beginning of her "middle age spread"!
And her parents are not light weights either.
I notice a definite widening of her chest. Just as a comparison...
Little brother, Kieren, has outpaced
her and is very blocky. The overhead shot is not well centered, but I think you can see the difference
in Daegan's daintier face compared to his more square head. Kieren has decided to be the alpha dog now,
but sweet Daegan tolerates him very well. She is a smart girl too. If he wants to go
barreling out the back door, she is perfectly happy to wait her turn and, in true lady-like fashion, walk out...
unless there are squirrels about!
Happy spring to you!
Pictured below at almost 3 years old.

Pictured below 2 years old at our 2010 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 2 years old.

Hi Sandy,
We finally got Kieren on July 5th. Daegan is so happy to have a playmate! We haven't
had a single problem with them getting to be best buddies. They seem like they have been together forever.
Daegan is so good; Kieren can even take a toy right out of her mouth and she is teaching him to
behave the same way.
Best wishes to all,
Pictured below at 1.5 years old

Pictured below at 1 year old
at our 2009 Deepwood Reunion

Pictured below at 12 months old.

It is hard to believe that an entire year has passed. This once little bundle of 11 pounds is now 130 pounds.
This pup that sat on my lap that first day at home now stands as tall as I do if she puts her paws on my shoulders.
Although she still has another 2 years to finish growing, it is hard to think of her as a puppy! Daegan has become a
wonderful addition to our family and it is almost impossible to think of us without her. She is wonderful with the grandchildren
and looks forward to their coming to visit and play with her. She still has a lot of puppy in her.
Her braided rope toy seems to be her favorite and she wants to play tug daily. She also has fun gnawing on her bones.
She is the only dog we have ever had that wants you to hold onto the bone while she chews. I don't think we will ever have
to worry about food aggression or possessiveness with this pup!
Pictured below at 11 months old.

Pictured below at 10 months old.
Daegan Earns her AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Award
Daegan finished her basic obedience course as easily as she has her puppy kindergarten and mini obedience courses.
She also passed the test for her STAR Puppy Award (Socialization, Training, Activity, Responsibility). Now, we have to keep
up her training at home. Canine Good Citizen award is next.
Pictured below at 7 months old.

Pictured below at 6 months old.

Pictured below at 5 months old.

Pictured below at 4 months old.

Pictured below at 16 weeks old.
Daegan graduated from Puppy Kindergarten today! She was awarded her first teddy bear for
being the most improved puppy in the class! Daegan's teddy will be where she can see it,
but it won't end up in her toy box! Puppy Kindergarten's main purpose is to socialize puppies.
In addition, beginning commands were taught and practiced. Daegan can now sit, sit-stay, down,
down-stay, walk fairly well on a lead, and leave a treat until she is allowed to eat it.
Pretty good work for a 3 1/2 month old puppy!
Pictured below at 14 and 15 weeks old.

Pictured below at 10 weeks old.

Pictured below at 9 weeks old.
Daegan is a love. She is 16.2 pounds at 8 weeks. In no time, she will be approaching 50!
We had our first vet visit yesterday and he was impressed. She got a clean bill of health.
Oh how wonderful it is to have a puppy in the house again! Daegan has adopted Skylar, maybe because she is more
her size. But, they do have fun playing together. When Daegan sees Sky, her whole body wags!

Pictured below at 8 weeks old.
Oh Sandy! Daegan is beautiful. She rode the entire way home, 2+ hours either sleeping
in my lap or looking out the window. She has no problems going in the crate, is getting
used to the new area, had "gone" outside a few times, and is even eating and drinking
from her new bowls. I am waiting to see what the late night hours bring, but I am
so happy with her. She is going to grow into a wonderful family member, I can tell
Thank you so much for all your help and suggestions. We most definitely
will stay in touch. Here is Daegan's first scrapbook page!
Above are pictures and updates from Daegan's new family in Bryans Road, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Daegan during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.