Below are pictures and updates from Bella's new family in Logan Twp, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Bella during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1 year old.

Just checking in again and letting you know how Bella has been. She is still everything advertised. In the
new neighborhood, EVERYBODY LOVES HER!!!! Especially the kids! We cannot take a walk without numerous
people stopping and asking about her. There was a 9 hour stretch that my wife and I had to put her in
Doggy Daycare at Petsmart (no choice!). They cannot stop talking about how much they loved her!!!!!
They actually brought her out to see the customers (they usually wait a few weeks to get to know the dogs before
they do that).... I am forever grateful everyday she is here.
Thanks Again!!!!!!
Pictured below at 4.5 months old.

Just letting you know Bella is doing great. She is everything we could have hoped for... great with the kids
and awesome to be around. Everyone who meets her is instantly in love... My brother swears his next dog
will be an American Mastiff!
Thank you SO much for Bella. My wife and I are discussing whether to get back on the waiting list for
another puppy!
Thank You,