Below are pictures and updates from Thor's new family in Alexandria, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
Thor during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at almost 3 years old.
Apollo and Thor are doing fantastic. Apollo is around 250 (and needs to lose a bit, like his mom).
Thor is perfect at 170. Been a rough few years, family members passing. My babys are my life
line. Would not have made it through with out them.
I thank you every day for them. I do wish they would share the bed and covers more!
Hope all is well and the holidays were good to you.
Pictured below at 8 months old.

Pictured below at 8 months old
with Apollo at 2 years old.

Pictured below at 3 months old.

Thor is doing GREAT. He went for his last vet appointment yesterday; he weighed in at 41.2lbs, growing like a weed.
He looks like skin a bones to me, but he eats like a pig. He is just growing SO fast, he has doubled in size since he came home.
The vet says he is perfect (I agree!). As you can see in the pictures, he has fit in just great. He and Apollo are best buds,
and he and my brother's new baby lab Nova are inseparatable.
Thor is such a ham, and he is fearless. He struts around here like king of the hill and bosses all the older dogs around
(when they let him). Apollo has always been a big chicken, but Thor has none of this "shy" stuff. We took the bubble off the
pool last weekend, and I know Thor is going to be a swimmer, he already jumps on the top step, and the water is freezing.
As soon as I get in, he is going to be right behind me. I am going to put the wetsuit on soon (the water is really cold)
and get him in so I can teach him to swim. I will send pool pictures soon.
Thanks so much for this angel! Apollo sends kisses!