Below are pictures and updates from Coda's new family in Royston, GA.
Click here to see pictures of
Coda during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 11 months old.

We have really been enjoying Coda over the past few months!! The attached pictures are of him at 11 months old,
125 pounds and 30" at the shoulders. Two of the pictures are from his training class where he received his
CGC certification. The other is from Thanksgiving as he tried so hard to visit with our grandma's Boston
terrier (who on the other hand, didn't share the same excitement). We love his nature with other dogs;
he never meets a stranger and is always conscious to be gentle with them. Soon we will be enrolling him
in a nearby class to become a therapy dog. We can't wait to travel with him to nearby schools and hospitals!
We will definitely keep you updated ~ Hope all is well with you!
Ryan and Cassie
Pictured below at 5 months old.

Here are a few pictures of Coda's 5th month. He began the month at 65 pounds (sitting) and by 5 1/2 months was
already 80 pounds. I couldn't resist attaching the two photos - they are of "Park Day." Coda loves
these days - Several of our friends go each week to visit with each other. Coda gets a chance to visit with
family friends AND his best friend, 5 pound dog, Winnifred (they greet with kisses).&nsp; The children can't quite
grasp that Coda is the puppy and Winnifred is the adult. Coda does so well with the kids. We love him so
very much. Thank you for everything - We hope that all is well at Deepwood.
~Ryan and Cassie