Below are pictures and updates from Princess's new family, originally in Kannapolis, NC and now
in Sherman, Texas.
Click here to see pictures of
Princess during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 4 years old.

I am sorry that we have fallen off the face of the earth.... The last 3 years have
been a blur... Our family moved to back to Texas 3 years ago,
and are now in Sherman, Texas... We are very happy to be back in Texas...
Princess continues to be the best dog and one day we will want another one...
She is always happy, and loves to play with both of our dogs... She has taken
to sleeping in our son, Sean's bed due to he likes to sleep in, and she is all about
sleeping in... A Princess needs her beauty sleep after all... :-)
I pray one day we will be able to have another one of your puppies.
And that we will meet again. Until then please take care and May God Bless you and your family,

Pictured below at 10 months old.

Dear Sandy and Jim,
I hope you guys are enjoying this holiday season. Princess has been fun to watch as we have
put out our decorations this year. She thinks they look good to play with, yet she has yet to
try and play with any. If she looks like she wants to all I have to say is "no mam" and she leaves it be.
She is so sweet!!! This year we took her trick or treatin. She was Sleeping Beauty (a Princess of course).
She loved her dress and had a good time seeing all the new things durning the trick or treatin.
She saw her first cat that was not in a cage waiting to see the Vet or at Petsmart. I thought she might
try and chase it, but she just sat there. Everyone was so amazed! I can't believe it has been
almost a year since she was born. Time sure flies.
Well may ya'll be Blessed with a Mery Christmas!
Brenda and Princess