Below are pictures and updates from Gunner's new family in Delta, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Gunner during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2 years old.

Hi Sandy,
Mark and I will be there for the reunion. Looking forward to bringing Gunner.
You will not believe how HUGE he is. He is 21 months old and weighs 190 lbs!
Here are some pictures taken within the last few weeks!!
Pictured below at 10 months old at our 2012 Deepwood Reunion.

Pictured below at 5 months old.

Hi Sandy and Jim,
Just wanted to send a quick update on Gunner! He's
just a little spoiled and you'll see in the pictures that he doesn't do much without his big brother, Dakota right
by his side. Gunner is doing great! He's going to be 6 months old on 05/04/12 and he weighs 80 lbs!!
He's getting so big. His personality always puts a smile on our faces. He's very silly and extremely vocal.&nsp;
He likes to "talk" to everyone so they are aware he's in the room. He's very smart and is excelling in his
obedience class. He picks everything up quickly. We cannot wait to bring him to the reunion!!!
Once Gunner is allowed to have full run of the house (not quite there yet), Mark and I are thinking of purchasing
another puppy from you! Gunner has been such an excellent addition and we enjoy him so much! I'm thinking
of a female possibly this time (but, I really love male dogs).
Thank you both again for allowing us to adopt
and get such a wonderful pet. Here are some pictures we hope you both enjoy! Talk soon.
Take care,
Mark and Jennifer
Pictured below at 4 months.

Pictured below at 3 months.

Pictured below at 14 weeks old with his friend Dakota.

Pictured below at 12 weeks old.

Hi Sandy,
Gunner's last vet appointment was on January 20 and he weighed 30.5 lbs. and was 11 weeks old. He goes back to the
vet for his last set of shots on February 21 so I'll let you
know his weight after we go.
He's such a great dog and has quite a personality. He's very vocal and will sass
you when you correct him or tell him no. I keep saying his personality is already as big as he's going to physically
become. He and Dakota are getting along great except somewhere in Dakota's mind I know he keeps wondering why he
has to put up with Gunner. Gunner likes to chew on his brother.
Hoping all is well and Phoenix (and the others) adjusted okay after all of their
babies were gone. Give Phoenix a pet for me and let her know Gunner is doing great.
Talk soon and say hi to Jim,
Pictured below at 9 weeks old.

We took Gunner to the vet last Tuesday night and he got an A++. Our vet said everything looked great.
He weighed 21.3 lbs!! He goes back on the 20th to get his next set of shots so I can't wait to see what he
weighs then.
Dakota and Gunner are getting along fine. Gunner chews on Dakota and Dakota has not even growled at him.
He actually runs from him. It's quite funny to see a full grown 8 year old Rottweiler going down the hall
with a 9 week old puppy right on his heels.
Gunner LOVES his new back yard and all of the toys
(inside and outside toys). He also really enjoys the leaves out back. My dad came up Saturday and
met him and said he was a fine looking dog.
Thanks again so much for a great addition to our family!!
Talk soon and say hi to Jim.

Pictured below at 8 weeks old.
Hi Sandy and Jim,
Gunner is doing great! He seems to be getting acclimated to his new home pretty quick. We have his crate
set up with the carrier inside and he's been going in with pretty much no problem. He immediately went
outside and went pee and poop when we got home!! He's only had 3 pee accidents in the house (our fault of course).
He's pooped twice outside. He's eating good and drinking plenty. He officially went to sleep last night
around 10 and was quiet until about 3:15 when he had to go out to pee again. We played for a bit and he went
back in the crate and slept again until almost 6 so for his first night I thought that was good.
He's had a little more crying today when he goes in the crate but, it's par for the course and I'm sure he'll get better.
We're taking baby steps introducing him to Dakota. Dakota isn't sure what to think of Gunner and he's so excitable
that I feel it's best to take it slow. I'm also going to talk to my vet Tuesday since he knows Dakota's personality
and see what he thinks will work best. For now, they are playfully sniffing at each other through the
crate and Gunner of course is much less impressed with Dakota than Dakota of him!
He did 'pose' in his Santa suit and I knew you both would want to see the pictures. I've attached a couple of
the best. You can see in one of the pictures that the suit is a little small. HA! I hope you enjoy!!
Talk to you both soon!
Jennifer and Mark

Above are pictures and updates from Gunner's new family in Delta, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Gunner during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.