Below are pictures and updates from Dagny's new family in Nanjemoy, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Dagny during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at almost 9 years old.

Pictured below at almost 9 years old
with her new brindle friends Han Solo and Chewbacca at 4 months old.
Hi Sandy,
Chewy & Han are growing, growing, growing & really just the sweetest.
Dagny's paw is still healing and we are having a hard time slowing her down, which you know is a
GREAT problem to have since she is almost 9 yrs old!!!
The other day the boys were in the yard and hanging out on the front porch with Dagny. I wasn't home, Randy
was inside doing something in the kitchen when Dagny came running in the house throwing a fit (barking, tap dancing)
and Randy followed her outside where she showed him that Chewy had gotten himself stuck in the space between the
porch couch and the exterior wall of the house, lol. Chewy was fine, just stuck. I know I mentioned before,
but these 2 boys have really given Dagny a job and she is thriving. Her intelligence & sassy attitude
has made her the perfect leader for the boys.
Pictured below at 8 years old
with her new brindle friends Han Solo and Chewbacca at 8 weeks.

Pictured below at 7 years old.

Pictured below at 5 years old.

Pictured below at 3 years old (for Halloween!).

Pictured below at 2.5 years old.

Pictured below at 2 years old.

Well, I tried to get pictures of Dagny looking so pretty on her Birthday but she is so worn out from today
she just wants to sleep. Her special day started with sleeping in & cuddling with her human mom because
Dad had to get up early for work. We all went for our morning walk then went over to run around &
play at grandma's house because she has a huge fenced in yard that Cleo & Dagny can run & run, smell & play
wtih all the fallen branches and leaves. All that playing was followed by a few hours of scrub
down at the groomers. Tomorrow will be her next favorite thing to do: trail walk & helping me dig in the flower bed.
After a few months of having Dagny my sister-in-law gave me a coffee mug that says 'My dog is my best friend.'
At first I thought "how cute" and giggled. Then one day it dawned on me while I was hiking with Dagny,
she is my best friend. I didn't call anyone else to see if they wanted to join me for a hike... it was just me
& her enjoying the trail. So I can't thank you enough for the joy she brings us everyday. She is the
most beautiful and loving dog I know, and yes I am biased. She surprises me to this day with her
wonderful temperament and diva attitude. She is my princess.
Thank you,