Below are pictures and updates from Fletch's new family in Atlanta, GA.
Click here to see pictures of
Fletch during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 8 years old.
Hi Sandy,
It's been many years since we've sent any updates on Fletch. He is now 8 1/2 years old and still thriving!
Though a little gray on his muzzle and only slightly arthritic, he still loves to play with the kids in the yard and
go on multiple walks each day. He weighs about 185 pounds and has great mobility. Fletch loves nothing more
than being with his people, and he loves other dogs, too. He has the BEST personality!
Attached are a few recent pictures. Hope all is well.
Bliss and Rocky

Pictured below at 2 years old.
Hi Sandy,
Fletch is doing great. He's an awesome family dog. He is especially good with children,
always lying down when new children enter the house, and he seems to be extra calm when he can tell
a child is nervous to meet him. He still gets excited when new adults enter the house,
always thinking the new person has arrived to play with him! He's beautiful and active
and loves being with his family. When in the car, he's taken to sitting in the back seat
right in between our two children -- just part of the gang. His favorite place to visit
is our mountain house. He has lots of room to roam and he's content staying outside all day -
exploring, resting on the front door mat, keeping an eye out for wild turkeys and bears, and
joining us on short hikes.
Some recent pictures (@ 2 yrs.) are attached. He weights 168 pounds, but he's still filling out.
Bliss and Rocky

Pictured below at 12 months old.

Hi Sandy!
Fletch is doing great! He's a beautiful dog, with a great personality. It's been a few months since
he's been weighed, but I think he's around 170 pounds. He's been a great family dog -- he loves our children
and is so gentle with them.