Below are pictures and updates from Bruno's new family in Miami, FL.
Click here to see pictures of
Bruno during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at almost 2 years old.

Pictured below at 1 year old.

Pictured below at 4 months old.

Pictured below at 4 months old
with Bella at 6 years old.
Hi Sandy,
Hope you are well. Below are some pictures of Bella & Bruno. He and she have become best
friends. It did take her a while to completely warm up to him because he is always biting her,
wanting to play and his teeth are so sharp! But now they play together, sleep together,
eat together etc.
Overall he is doing amazingly well; he is
totally housebroken, hasn't chewed anything he wasn't supposed to, and walks well on the leash.
I guess he has learned a lot from Bella. He is around 60 lbs, but tall and skinny and very handsome
(like his dad).
We will keep you posted as to his progress. Thanks for the newest addition to our family.

Pictured below at 2 months old
with Bella at 6 years old.
Here is a picture of Bella & Bruno. Bruno is adjusting to our home perfectly.
He is happy, playful and of course follows Bella all over. He has been terrific so
far and really getting the hang of his routine, the kennel, house training etc. We totally
love him already!!
Take care,