Below are pictures and updates from Brynn's new family in Mercersburg, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Brynn during her first 9 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1 year old.

Hi Sandy!
Marshall, Brynn, and I live too far away to attend the Puppy reunion.
However, we now live in a spacious house in Mercersburg, PA with lots of room
for Brynn to play!
Attached are a few new pictures of her.
She is about 18 months old now and SO BIG! We absolutely love her!
We will be back in
touch with more pictures this winter!
Thanks again for your help in connecting us with such a wonderful puppy!
Take Care,
Sara, Marshall, and Brynn
Pictured below at 6 months old.
Hi Sandy!
I am sorry to say that we will not be able to attend the mastiff reunion. However, Brynn is doing
amazing and is SO big! She is starting to lose her puppy look a little bit :( which I am missing already.
Brynn loves to run and play outside. She has the best personality and is raved about by our family
and friends.
She lays in the yard and listens to the birds chirping in the trees, so peaceful. :) We just adore her!
Take Care,