Below are pictures and updates from Gabe's new family in Portsmouth, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
Gabe during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2.5 years old
Hi Sandy,
Gabe is doing fantastic. He is a very loved, 204 lb 34 & 1/2 inch tall at the haunches big
sweet boy. We tried several different therapy dog venues but in the end, he was at his best with the kids. He
decided pediatric hospice is where he wanted to be, so that is what we did. The kids broke my heart but they
all loved him and he became a celebrity in his own right.
He is known by name at the local pet store, everyone
in the neighborhood knows him and knows of him. Everybody loves him and he loves the attention. He has two best
friends that he loves to play with: a yellow lab that is just two months younger and a German Shepherd that is a
year younger.
It blows my mind sometimes how much he/we changed. He is calm and mellow 90% and only wants to play
in short bursts. He is still not a big snuggler but he is a toucher and leaner and a hoverer. He definitely has
his own personality and sometimes is still stubborn, but that's just him. He still doesn't like getting his nails
trimmed but he loves getting a bath and having his teeth brushed. I don't think he enjoys car rides but he does
lay down across the back seat and enjoys the destination. We still
walk 6-7 nights a week anywhere from 20-45 minutes depending on weather/heat. Overall, I think he is a happy healthy
well adjusted boy. Its hard to believe he will be three years old this coming November. I feel grateful he is
mine everyday. He is just
such an amazing boy. Everything you said and then some!
Forever grateful,
Nancy (and Gabe, the very wonderful superstar American Mastiff)

Hi Sandy,
We have wonderful exciting amazing news! Gabe passed both his Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test AND his TDI
therapy dog test! :) I am so proud of him!! Now I know what soccer moms feel like when their
kid scores the winning goal. lol He was amazing! My plan is/was to do Wounded Warriors but
the evaluator was so impressed by Gabe's reaction to kids that she recommended we do a children's hospital/venue.
Gabe is everything (and more) that you said he would be. He still isn't big on snuggling but he is sweet in other
ways; he is a leaner and lays his head on my arm/leg when he wants attention. He is so good when we go out in
public too. He is just amazing!
Sandy, thank you so much for picking me for Gabe and trusting me to be a good mom to him. We will stay in touch
and send pics when we starts his volunteer work.
Nancy and Gabe, CGC, TDI certified therapy dog.