Below are pictures and updates from Boston's new family in Upper Marlboro, Md.
Click here to see pictures of
Boston during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2.5 years old
Hey Sandy,
Boston is doing well and growing STILL! He's recently won 1st place at
the Petco Halloween Pet Costume Contest...beat out 18 others.
Take care!
Pictured below at 11 months old
Hey Sandy,
Boston is doing very well. He still is the talk of the neighborhood and local pet stores. Although I know
how sweet of a dog he is, I still don't get it how some people nudge their little kids up to pet him
without even inquiring about his temperament. Which then leaves me to show the kids how to properly
greet a strange dog. Boston seems to understand and always lays down at the littler ones feet so
they can pet him better. The taller kids he just tries to lick them.
Santa did not particularly look jolly when we came in to have a picture taken. And Boston initially
wasn't having it either, he only wanted to nibble at Santa's faux leather shoes and steal treats
out of his goodie bag. After a good 5 - 8 minutes of adjusting, propping, and 'awws' from the folks
in line, they both finally got settled. Boston even looked to be excited to be taking his picture with Santa.
He's 11 months in this picture.