Below are pictures and updates from Angus's new family in York, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Angus during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2 years old during a visit to Deepwoods.

Pictured below at 11 months old.
Dear Sandy,
Angus is 11 months old and a wonderful addition to our family.
He has the run of the house (with supervision)
and loves to plop down on the sofa between me and Mel (I said I would not allow him on the sofa, but as you
can see in the picture, that did not work out so well).
He is longer and taller and very handsome. I walk
him on the trail with me and he gets a lot of compliments.
He loves the snow and enjoys watching
the birds from our great room.
He is a wonderful addition to our family.
Merry Christmas to you and ALL of yours!!
Sally, Mel, and Angus
Pictured below at 8 months old during a visit to Deepwoods.

Pictured below at 8 months old during a visit to Deepwoods
(pictured with his Mom Phoenix)

Pictured below at 8 months old during a visit to Deepwoods
(pictured with Willow)

Pictured below at 8 weeks old.
Angus has been with us for one week and what a joy! He has such a good temperament and
we think that he is a genius. He sleeps well with no real whining or fussing.
He is learning sit, stay, down, and walking with a lead. He started with a trainer on
Friday and she thinks he is doing very well. We are in love with our new baby!
Hope all is well with your dogs, puppies, and family.