Below are pictures and updates from shiloh's new family in Fredericksburg, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
shiloh during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2 years old

Pictured below at almost 2 years old

Pictured below at 12 months old

Pictured below at 7 & 8 months old.
Hi Sandy,
Shiloh is doing great and growing fast. These are 7-8 month pictures. She is about 120 pounds
of loving pup now. She is a wonderful girl who loves to take walks downtown and meet new people
and dog friends. She and Salvo (German Shepherd) are best of friends and hate being apart from each other.
We are so very happy with our loving and smart "little" girl!!
Mike and Tiffany

Pictured below at 3 months old
Hi Sandy,
Shiloh is doing great and has adjusted to the family with no problems. She is growing
like a weed and was 60 pounds yesterday. She is very smart and picks up on
commands very quickly and is eager to please. She loves going to the river,
taking walks downtown, and watching her human brother play football.
Thanks for everything,
Mike and Tiffany