Below are pictures and updates from Henrik's new family in Middletown, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Henrik during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 2.5 years old

Pictured below at 2 years old

Pictured below at 1 year old

Hi Sandy,
Just wanted to touch base and let you know how wonderful Henrik is doing. He is the best dog
we have ever had and is loved by all. Everyone in the neighborhood knows him and comes running
out to see him on our walks. His disposition is amazing and there is not a harmful bone
in his body. He is our world.
Pictured below at 3 months old

Hi Sandy,
Just wanted to say hello and give you a little update on Henrik. Henrik is doing well and has
adjusted quickly to our home. He just had his follow up vet visit yesterday and is just about
57 pounds (he is growing so quickly) and is healthy as can be. He loves going to the vet
because he is the star of the show... they love him to pieces! He will be starting puppy
kindergarten on Monday but we have already taught him to sit, stay, come, and give paw. He is a
quick learner :) He is doing a great job with house training as well and I think its safe
to say he is almost 100% potty trained. He has quickly become a fan of the snow, although
hesitant at first he has grown quite fond of it and enjoys romping around and trying to catch
the snowflakes.
Hope all is well with you.
Marisa, Tom, and Henrik
p.s. As you can see from the photo he sure loves that bed!