Below are pictures and updates from Copper's new family in Downingtown, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Copper during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1 year old

Hello Sandy,
I hope this find you well! We recently celebrated Copper's first birthday and I thought I would send
you some updated photos. He is just fitting into our little family perfectly! He loves playing
in the snow with the kids! I think he gets as excited as they do when it snows. He is so very
good with the kids, whenever they are outside or inside for that matter he is right with them. He is
a very loving dog, who is always looking to please us. Believe it or not- he fetches!
I think the time spent playing with our border collie has rubbed off on him and he will fetch a ball
or frisbee if he is in his play mode!
Enjoy the photos!
Pictured below at 3 months old

Hi Sandy!
Just wanted to let you know how Copper is doing... He went to the vet at 14 weeks for some of his
shots and he was 40lbs! He just seems to grow overnight! He is fitting into our little family
just wonderfully; we have fallen in love! He is pretty much house broken... knock on wood we have not had
an accident in a long time! He is learning the sit and stay command, he is a little slow to the come command...
but we really think it is his personality, he knows we want him to come but he will just sit and stare at us...
he is slow moving no matter what we do! He knows the command "go home" when its time to go into his crate
and he is starting to get a big boy bark :)
So far he is great walking on the leash with me and the kids; we took him to the dog park last weekend and he loved
running and playing with the other dogs. He wasn't really interested in the water but I'm sure that will come