Below are pictures and updates from Gilead's new family in Egg Harbor City, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Gilead during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at vet visits from 2 months to 1 year old

Hi Sandy,
Just touching base with you. We’ve been out of our house for over 4 months due to water damage
we sustained back in January so I’ve been negligent with any updates. We’re back in our home
now and we just took Gilead to the vet yesterday for his “procedure.” Attached are some pictures
of which one is a collage of Gilead with
me on each of his vet visits. Even though it’s expected, it’s always amazing to see the growth rate.
This picture documents that fact. He towers over Sprinkles already (side-by-side pic). Everyone
comments that next to him Sprinkles looks like a normal size dog and not another Mastiff. She has
actually walked under him a few times.
Gilead is doing quite well. He is much more rambunctious than Sprinkles and it took her some time
to grow accustomed to him. Although he is still quite full of energy I can already see that he’s
calming, although I don’t think he’ll ever be as peaceful as Sprinkles, but everyone loves him.
When I went to pick him up yesterday from the vet after his surgery the vet techs were showing
me pictures they had taken of themselves laying on the floor with him while he was recovering.
They didn’t have a crate big enough for him so he got to recover in his own room. He weighed
in yesterday at approximately 175 lbs and he’s still very lean.
Hope all is well,
Pictured below at 1 year old with his friend Sprinkles

Above are pictures and updates from Gilead's new family in Egg Harbor city, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Gilead during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.