Below are pictures and updates from Baloo's new family in Odenton, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Baloo during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 8 months old

I hope all is well you and your family, fuzzy family too. I just wanted to give you an update on Baloo.
Baloo is amazing! He is doing so well in training, especially for an eight month old puppy (that weighs 135 as
of two weeks ago). We passed the canine citizenship test a few weeks ago and are currently enrolled in the community
canine class. The trainers give me a lot of credit for socializing him early and working with him a lot.
I don't work a lot so I do have a lot of time to spend on my dogs but I really think he just naturally has a great personality.
You can't train that. He is sweet, outgoing and confident without being pushy. He listens really well.
I really can't say enough about how wonderful he is. Baloo is really special. I am going to keep taking him
through training. We train with Baltimore Dogworks and they have been so awesome. They have an off leash class
after the community canine class so we will keep trying as long as Baloo still seems to enjoy it. I am hoping we can
do therapy work in the future, we have more work to do for that. He seems to have the personality for it.
He loves going for rides and visiting places. Right now it is mostly the vet, training and pet stores.
We get out at least twice a week to go somewhere though.
So anyway, he's great and everyone loves him. Baloo seems to love everyone too.
Pictured below at 2 months old

Hi Sandy!
I know it's just been a month but we've been busy. Baloo has about doubled in size. He was 16 pounds a month ago
and is 33 today. I feel like I can see him growing if I stare hard enough.
We have already been to four puppy training classes. We have one more before we graduate to the next level classes.
It's been really fun and Baloo has been doing great. We get lots of training homework, it is pretty much my hobby now.
We go to Baltimore Dogworks. They have a Facebook page and Baloo has been featured in a few posts over the past few weeks.
They are updating their website and asked if Baloo could be one of the puppy models. Hopefully the pictures will be
ready soon and website will be updated. I'm really excited that they wanted him in it. They had a professional
photographer take pictures. Puppy photo shoots are so funny. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out.
Baloo is really great. He has a wonderful personality. He seems so happy and confident. He has won over
our other dog, she lets him cuddle her now. The cats tolerate him and aren't scared which is great for cats, lol.
We all just love him. You guys have some great dogs and did a good job. Thank you!
I'll attach a few pictures. We've taken so so many. I'm going to use the rope giraffe throughout his life
to give some perspective.