Below are pictures and updates from Sampson's new family in Chesapeake, VA.
Click here to see pictures of
Sampson during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at almost 2 years old
Sampson is doing great; he will be 2 years old in about a month here and it seems he's settled around the 150 lb mark.
He is still as hyper as ever so if his eyes are open then he's shoving one of his many toys in to your lap and begging to play.
I know he's still coming out of the puppy stage but that is one thing that caught me off guard, how energetic he is for a large dog!
He and our 14ish year old Chihuahua (Sadie) are more or less inseparable these days; where you find one you will likely find the other.
She has pretty much lost her hearing and her vision is getting worse day by day so he has taken over as her caretaker, being her
eyes and ears. On the rare occasion he goes outside without her he immediately goes into search mode upon entering the house,
nose to the floor and scurrying around franticly trying to find her. It's pretty cute actually; he doesn't like her out of
his sight. It's a daily struggle of him still trying to win over the cat but she absolutely won't have anything to do
with him. Nevertheless, he continues to put in the work, lol.
It's amazing how he's managed to become the center of our little family; I can't seem to remember our routine before him.
We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Matt and Maggie
Pictured below at 1 year old

Pictured below at 11 months old

Pictured below at 8 weeks old

Just wanted to say thank you again! Sampson is such a sweet puppy and is already
becoming my “buddy”, following me around the house/yard. He napped the entire 5 hour ride
back down to VA with 2 potty breaks along the way. He was a bit timid when we first
welcomed him to his new home, but after only one day he’s learning his way around and already
becoming more comfortable with his surroundings. He is a VERY welcomed addition to our
family and we can’t wait to see him grow in to that wrinkly skin!
Matt and Maggie