Below are pictures and updates from Brienne's new family in Millville, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Brienne during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 8 weeks old.

Hi Sandy,
It was so nice to meet you and Jim. We arrived home safely and she is settling in nicely.
She woke up around 3:30am a little sad to be alone but after a quick potty and little whining she settled back in and
slept until I woke up. We have named her "Brienne" - it means strong in Celtic which we think is perfect for her.
Thanks again and I have to tell you one more time how impressed we are with your operation over there.
We are so glad we are close by so we can attend the reunion next summer and planning for a fawn male next year as well.
Stay well and we'll keep in contact with updates and pics.
Richelle and Larry
Above are pictures and updates from Brienne's new family in Millville, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Brienne during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.