Below are pictures and updates from Oakley's new family in Loganville, GA.
Click here to see pictures of
Oakley during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1.5 years old

Pictured below at 1 year old

Pictured below at 11 months old

Pictured below at 9 months old

Pictured below at 6 months old.

Hi Sandy,
I just wanted to send an update on Oakley!! She has the best demeanor! Everyone who sees her just falls in love,
and she loves them right back! She's such a cuddle bear! Loves to be with her people, but is also independent and will crawl up in a comfy
spot on her own to nap. Car rides are probably her favorite!! She enjoys swimming and has made a lot of 4 legged friends! She
weighed in at 100 lbs at the beginning of September (6mo mark), so she's going to be a big girl!! I am starting to
see a resemblance to Tula in her face now that she's getting bigger!! Her face is just beautiful and she
tolerates a million kisses and squeezes a day!!
She likes to walk between people's legs. It's usually when she greets a guest or when we're outside with her,
she'll just come up and nudge us with her head so we'll let her walk through! She's been potty trained for awhile
now and knows her basic commands. It actually shocks me sometimes with how intelligent she is!
She knows when the pink collar goes on it means we're going for a ride and if I put the pink collar on and don't immediately
leave, she'll go nudge at the leash that hangs by the door and then look at the door.
I can open the door and she goes right to the back of our cars waiting to see which one we're going in.
She doesn't chew on things that don't belong to her and she learns things quickly! Now, does she always listen, If she doesn't feel like doing something, she'll resist or take her sweet time, but she eventually gets there!
Her coloring... Just wow!! Pictures don't do her justice!! When the sun shines on her coat,
it shines like an Akhal-Teke horse. She seems like a regular sized pup to us, but everyone tells us she's huge. We don't quite get it until we see her
around other dogs. People on the AM group on FB say that our AMs become the normal size and everyone else has small dogs.
She's sweet, beautiful, smart, incredible temperament, goofy, confident and playful. She was meant for us and we
were meant for her!!
Hope you're doing well and thank you for bringing us together with our Oakley!