Below are pictures and updates from Piper's new family in Dalton City, IL.
Click here to see pictures of
Piper during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1 year old.
Hi Sandy,
Piper is AWESOME!! She is one of our family members... not just a pet. She is 120 lbs and healthy as a
horse (and almost as big).
We are so impressed with how true to the breed Piper is from what we read on your website and independent research
we did before we got her. She potty trained very quickly and obeys... most of the time. She does have a
stubborn streak but what "kid" doesn't? LOL She gets along with everyone and every animal she comes
into contact with. We had 25 people for Thanksgiving and she fit right in... not a problem!!
She obeys commands: come, sit, high-five, down (belly & head on floor), "bring it here". We love her
personality and how she just goes with whatever we are doing or where ever we are.
Some surprising things:
She is very vocal! She lets us know what she is thinking with many different sounds. She has a different
sound for each of these - none of which are a bark: waking up, yawning, stretching, waiting to be invited to sit
on the couch, asking for a treat, and a final exhale before she falls asleep.
Some of the funny things:
We call her a "space-invader" because when she wants to sniff you... she gets right in your space and puts her weight into it.
When I'm cooking, she puts her nose between my waist and the counter and leans into me.
When getting ready to lay down, she spins and spins while bobbing her head up and down... it is hilarious!!!
When we get home, we let her out of her kennel and she brings us her blanket. She is very proud of her
blanket and shows it to everyone!
When I'm drying my hair (bent at waist with head upside down), she comes up between my legs, kisses me,
then tries to bite the air coming from the dryer. It is a morning ritual.