Day 2 - She started eating and drinking on a more regular basis. She still doesn't care for the
cold too much, but considering everything, she is doing well with going potty outside. Some
breaks are faster than others. The biggest part of Day 2 was her first day of Puppy Kindergarten.
Her class is is from 8-9pm. Josiah said she didn't really care to participate too much in the
beginning, but came around by the end of the class. There are three other dogs in the class,
and she doesn't quite know what to think of them. Apparently she is the most laid back one.
I heard everyone couldn't get enough of how gorgeous and calm she was. Needless to say, by the
time she came home from class she was ready to call it a night.
Day 3 - We started the day off by taking her to Izabella's preschool. Part of her homework for
the week was to take her some place new with lots of people. She did really well and did not
mind one bit letting me hold her the whole time. All the kids came up and were loving on her,
and she was just so patient. Again, everyone, staff included, could not get over how gorgeous
and good she was being. Lady also had her first vet visit. All went well. She slept through
most of her visit, but was a little surprised when she had to have her temperature taken.
Cool, calm, and collected seems to be her thing.
Lady has been absolutely amazing. She has been
so awesome with our girls, and loves just being with the family. Oh, and we found out one of her
favorite toys so far are her little plush furry friends.
Thank you, Sandy, for helping this transition go more smoothly than we could have ever hoped for!!!!