Below are pictures and updates from Tiny's new family in Annapolis, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Tiny during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 7 months old.
Just wanted to update you on Tiny. Here are some pics. He is 120 lbs now.
Everyone in the neighborhood loves him and he is the nicest dog ever. He loves everybody and
loves his shark toy even more.
Pictured below at 4 months old.
Hi Sandy,
I attached a picture of Tiny just now. He just turned 4 months. I think he's around 70 lbs but I'm not positive.
He has a vet appointment tomorrow so I'll let you know. He is only a little bit smaller than our 10 yr old lab!
We love him so much and he loves his brother Deuce even more.
Take care!