Below are pictures and updates from Lucy's new family in Stockholm, NJ.
Click here to see pictures of
Lucy during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 1 year old.
Please see the attached picture of my beautiful girl. She is doing great, as usual.
She is 170 lbs and is still super sweet. She loves to cuddle and be wherever I am;
except when she gives in to her other love, which is being outside in the yard.
It still surprises me because all Libby wants to do is hang out on the couch.
Best wishes to all.
Pictured below at 10 months old.
Hi Sandy,
Lucy is doing great. I could go on forever about her, but in short, she is super sweet,
smart and beautiful. In general I can tell you that she is almost as tall as my full
grown American Mastiff Libby, but obviously Lucy still has a much more slim build.
Lucy is still very calm and accepting of new situations. I used the blender today for the first
time since Lucy arrived and instead of hiding from the noise, she just sat there and watched.
Also, the sound/sight of the tape measure was just another interesting thing to check out.
I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but I would have bet good money that Lucy was
smaller than Libby from the start, and would always be, but the vet confirmed that Lucy
actually weighed more than Libby at every matching checkup. Even the first visit.
All the best to you and Jim and the family. Thanks again for such a sweet girl!