Fawn Female American Mastiff
Born November 2004
Sire: Deepwood Diesel
Dam: Duchess of Deepwood
Below are pictures and updates from Cooper's new family, orginally in California, now in Pomfret, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Cooper during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Cooper is pictured below at 3 years (on the left)
with her little sister Flynn at 13 months
November 26, 2008
Hi Jim & Sandy!
Wow! Time has really flown since we moved into our new house. We've gotten ourselves all settled
in and the girls are loving it - they're certified squirrel and deer chasers, these two.
Flynn has really grown into her personality and is still "Fearless Flynn". She shoots out into the back
yard like a bull from the starting gate and bounds out to the fenceline to make sure we're all safe from deer - LOL!
I just can't help but laugh when I see her leaping around back there looking for all the world like a deer herself.
But she keeps Cooper on her toes - Coops seems so serious next to her silly sister.
Flynn and Cooper are just really the sweetest hounds though... lots of mastiff hugs around our house.
Still on the lazy side though. Since the weather has turned colder I can't seem to get either of them out
of bed in the morning! I feel like I have teenagers, for heavens sake. I can't say that I blame them...
I don't want to leave my warm bed to head out into the frosty morning every day either - LOL!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dana, Cooper & Flynn
Cooper is pictured below at 3 years

Cooper is pictured below at 3 years old (on the right)
with her little sister Flynn at 8 months old

Pictured below at 3 years old
with her little sister Flynn at 5 months old

March 18, 2008
Flynn is growing so fast that I just wanted to give you an update. She and
Cooper are inseparable! They're like Click and Clack... where you see one
you'll see the other. Flynn is doing really well. Cooper has really
helped me out with the training by showing her the ropes. When I'm trying to teach
Flynn something new Cooper will come over and show her what I'm asking for (or maybe just to
get a treat... LOL!).
Here are a couple of new pictures. I plan to get more outdoor photos now
that it's thawing out here and spring time is blooming all around us. Then
I can get some "comparison" photos of the two hounds.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Pictured below at 3 years old
with her little sister Flynn at 3 months old

January 13, 2008
Jim & Sandy,
I hope your Christmas was very merry! I was home all that week and the girls and I
went for a new adventure in the woods every day - they thought they'd won the lottery.
Both Cooper and Flynn are doing wonderful and, as always, are inseparable.
Flynn's personality is really starting to emerge and she's finally decided that she's
a people dog. She's so much more outgoing than Cooper ever was - I've started calling
her Fearless Flynn. Nothing fazes her! She charges head-first into every situation...
too bad she's such a klutz - LOL! She has a lot of true Marmeduke moments with those
giant paws going every which-way. They both charm everyone at the pet store when we go
in to pick out new treats. Because I can't get them both going in the same direction
at the same time yet, I put Flynn in the cart and Cooper on a leash and they stroll
around getting lots of pats and scratches from everyone in the store. Flynn just sits
in the front of the basket looking like a professional buggie driver and loving the ride...
she's gotten so big that she won't be able to ride that way much longer.
I've attached some of our latest pictures of hikes in our woods and some splashing in our
little stream.
Until next time!
Dana, Cooper & Flynn
Pictured below at 3 years old
with her little sister Flynn at 2 months old

Pictured below at 2 years old

August 2007
Cooper is doing so well at our new place! She loves having acres of woods
to explore and the Potomac to splash around in. I installed an invisible
fence to include about 1/2 acre of woods and she learned very quickly where
her boundaries are.
She still loves to garden with me and with so many more raised beds there's
actually room for her to have her own place where she can snoopervise the
garden activities (and get her share of the cherry tomatoes). Her job is to
keep the deer away from the "salad bar" and she does a good job - I don't
know if she thinks they're just big dogs to play with but the deer aren't
interested in playing chase :-)
She's so laid back and such a joy to have around! Her favorite perch is the
front porch; she and Savannah kitty will lie there all evening catching the
breeze and watching the birds at their feeders.

Pictured below at 2 years old

July 4, 2007
Cooper loves it here with all the room she has to run around and the wildlife to enjoy.
In the evenings we sit on the front porch and take in the breeze. And when it's particularly
hot we'll walk down to the Potomac and wade around a bit. Cooper isn't a swimmer... she'll go
until her belly touches the water and no farther. But she loves to splash around. We're
heading down there tonight to watch the fireworks at Mt. Vernon across the water so I'll take my
camera and get a few more pictures for you.
Thanks for the call last night... I'm so excited that Duchess is having another litter soon :)
Happy Independence Day!
Dana, Cooper & Savannah

Pictured below at 1-1/2 years old

I’ve attached a few pictures of Cooper doing what she loves best… just hanging out.
Cooper’s an extremely laid back dog with a wonderful and sensitive disposition. She loves all creatures, including horses & cows, but people are her favorite…
I’m not sure she even knows she’s a dog! She knows her basic commands and never fails the “drop it” when she’s snarfed up some unidentified thing off the ground.
However, she dislikes the down command; but when I give her “the look” and point again she usually lays down… funny thing is she spends most of her time in that
position so I’m not sure why she hates to be told to do it – LOL! She can be a big goofball and I love that about her and she’s pretty curious (like me),
we love new adventures – so much good stuff to sniff in new places.
The kitties are not fond of travel so they stay home but Cooper loves to visit her Grandma in San Diego, so every few months she and I take a road trip to Southern
California. She’s a great travel companion; quiet and easy going, happy just to have a window to put her snoofer out. She doesn’t like people on bicycles
or motorcycles though… she makes her “big woof” for those guys - I’m not sure why.
I love to garden so we all spend a lot of time outside tending to tomatoes and squash in raised beds. I recently discovered that Cooper enjoys beets
fresh out of the dirt… but I prefer that she sticks to her kibble. And I’ve given up on planting flowers in the ground… Cooper is the ‘great squishier of petunias’.
I think she likes they way they smell and the soft dirt they’re in so I’ll stick to hanging baskets.
I just don’t think my home would be complete without giant clumsy paws stepping all over my feet or snoring beast scattered over the floor of whatever room I happen to be in.

Pictured below at 1 year old

Pictured below at 6 months

Cooper recently made her first trip to the beach! My boyfriend, Justin, and I loaded his
9-year-old daughter Madi and Princess Cooper into the car and headed to Bodega Bay
for the weekend. The “kids” really had a great time running around in the sand and
hiking up on the cliffs. We lugged two worn-out beasties back into the car Sunday
evening :-)
Cooper’s going through another growing spurt except this time she’s filling out too.
Her chest has really grown and her rear-end is now so heavy I’m convinced I need a forklift
to help her get it up and moving in the morning! A vet visit for her spay the first week of
April confirmed her at 75 lbs and I think she’s gained another 15 since then.
I know I can’t lift her into the tub anymore (and she’s not about to go in willingly).
She’s getting pretty vocal as well; she makes these yawning noises at you when you ask
her to do something… it’s pretty funny to have a conversation with her actually.
But what a good girl when you ask her to do something… as long as it’s not at 5 am – LOL!
I’ll keep you posted with pictures and stories.
Take care,
Pictured below at 5 months

Check out these pics of Savannah and Cooper taking a nap together.
They just love each other! Savannah is quite a snuggly kitty and
Cooper’s just a love too so they make to perfect friends!
Take care,
Pictured below at 4-1/2 months

Here are some of the latest pictures of Cooper. She really has the hardest time
getting out of bed… lazy beast! But once she was finally up and around Justin
and his daughter Madi took her on a hike and they shot some great pics this morning –
boy is she worn out from all the excitement!
She’s really getting her “look” now that her face has lengthened… and her legs are
so long! She’s just as clumsy as ever and so silly sometimes.
I have to admit, she’s a really great dog; she’s well mannered and wants to be a part
of everything we do around here. You’ll most likely catch her and Savannah
catching a nap in the sun any given Saturday but get the wheelbarrow out and she’s
up and chasing it around barking the whole time.

Pictured below at 8 weeks old.

Cooper and I made it home just fine.
She's made good friends with my 8 wk old kitten, Savannah.
They're pretty good buddies.
When I came home from the grocery store last night I unloaded the
items from the bag and threw the empties in the floor.
Savannah thinks it's great fun to pounce on the bags like a pile of
leaves. Well, Cooper thought that was the silliest thing she's ever
seen. So the two of them played in the bags while I put up
the groceries.
Savannah and Cooper vie for my lap during TV time...
they've finally compromised and each take a corner.
I don't know what Savannah's gonna do in a couple of months
when Cooper is a dog-o-saur in the making (LOL!).
My boyfriend and I have bragged to everyone we work with that
Cooper is the smartest dog on the planet!
I'll keep you updated as Cooper grows and learns...
Until next time...

Above are pictures and updates from Cooper's new family, orginally in California, now in Pomfret, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Cooper during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.