Below are pictures from Flynn's new family, orginally in California, now in Pomfret, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Flynn during her first 9 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Flynn is pictured below at 6 years old
with her little "sister" Crosby at 9 weeks old

Flynn is pictured below at 6 years old
with her little "sister" Crosby at 8 weeks old

Pictured below at 3.5 years old

Hi Sandy!
Flynn is doing great here on the farm hanging out with the ducks and sharing her kibble with the chickens
and saving us all from vicious, man-eating squirrels. It's a busy time with lots of hatches
and babies running every which way and all around... but she's a champ!
Hope you're all doing well
and I hope to see you again in the fall :)
"Even if a farmer intends to loaf, she gets up in time to get an early start."
~Edgar Watson Howe
Pictured below at 1.5 years old

Flynn is pictured below at 13 months (on the right)
with her big sister Cooper at 3 years
November 26, 2008
Hi Jim & Sandy!
Wow! Time has really flown since we moved into our new house. We've gotten ourselves all settled
in and the girls are loving it - they're certified squirrel and deer chasers, these two.
Flynn has really grown into her personality and is still "Fearless Flynn". She shoots out into the back
yard like a bull from the starting gate and bounds out to the fenceline to make sure we're all safe from deer - LOL!
I just can't help but laugh when I see her leaping around back there looking for all the world like a deer herself.
But she keeps Cooper on her toes - Coops seems so serious next to her silly sister.
Flynn and Cooper are just really the sweetest hounds though... lots of mastiff hugs around our house.
Still on the lazy side though. Since the weather has turned colder I can't seem to get either of them out
of bed in the morning! I feel like I have teenagers, for heavens sake. I can't say that I blame them...
I don't want to leave my warm bed to head out into the frosty morning every day either - LOL!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dana, Cooper & Flynn