Below are pictures and updates from Crosby's new family in Pomfret, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Crosby during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 9 weeks old

Crosby is doing great! Flynn is warming up to her but I can tell that it's more her
tininess right now that's making her worried. She doesn't want to squish the baby :) Crosby is
following her everywhere when we're outside. And she was so very cautious about every little
thing inside and outside until today. Now she's charging around like she owns the place!
I bought one of those Kuranda elevated dog beds like you suggested and Crosby was all over it before I had
the thing completely bolted together. She hops up there with Flynn without a second thought but
she spends most of her time laying on my feet while I work from home.
Crosby came out with me to do my bee hive inspection the other day and she didn't worry at all about
all those flying little beasties. I was concerned she would freak out when they all started
buzzing around her on their investigations but she just sat there chewing on a stick. Here are a few
pictures I took of her while we had nicer weather recently. As the ducklings, goslings, and chicks
hatch I'll get pictures of her with them too.

Crosby is pictured below at 8 weeks old
with her big "sister" Flynn at 6 years old

Above are pictures and updates from Crosby's new family in Pomfret, MD.
Click here to see pictures of
Crosby during her first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.