Below are pictures and updates from Hooch's new family in Dillsburg, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Hooch during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.
Pictured below at 6 years old

Pictured below at 2 years old

Hi Sandy!
Hooch is still is the perfect dog in every way! I don't think there is a person in the neighborhood
or surrounding neighborhoods that doesn't know Hooch. In fact, it is so bad, that I was sick for
several days and couldn't get out to walk Hooch. Well, when I got better and got out, so many
people stopped me to ask where we were? Where had Hooch been? They missed him. Could
I bring him up to see them?.... all this and I had only missed a week's worth of walks!! He is a celebrity.
We slowed down a bit on our work going into the nursing homes and schools. We were doing about 2 to 3 schools
A WEEK! Even going to neighboring counties. I wanted to give Hooch time to enjoy his own kids!
Hooch has formed an amazing bond with our daughter Lauryn who is almost 5. She was only about 1 1/2 when we
brought him home, but the connection was instant (as you will see in the pictures)! Every one believes
Lauryn is a miniature Dog Whisperer. Hooch will do anything and everything for Lauryn. They lay on
the floor together, play dress up together (notice the picture--Hooch makes a beautiful princess!!).
They will even fall asleep together face to face. I don't know if it is possible, but it certainly
seems that Hooch recognizes Lauryn's size and is always super gentle with her. He has NEVER jumped
up on anyone, but is even careful not to bump into her. She gives him huge hugs every morning around
the neck and Hooch stands perfectly still.
He is the world's biggest sweetheart. So kind, so loving. He loves to walk up and plop his huge
head right on my chest. When I look at him and say "what? What do you want Big Guy?" He always wags
his tail like crazy and gives the smallest kisses right on my chin. I don't think a day has gone by
when Hooch hasn't been in a good mood!
He is extremely healthy, BUT I am very strict also. He receives NO table food. Only his dog food.
I found a dog food called Verus and it is fantastic for him. He does exceptional on it. In fact, his
health is so good we have not visited the vet in a year and a half for anything other than routine shots!
I can't say enough about him! Hooch is a pure delight to everyone who knows him. He is extremely
well behaved and listens like you wouldn't believe. I do believe you get out of a dog what you put into them.
Hooch and I have had a great deal of obedience training and I still teach classes every once in a while.
I am definitely his master and he knows his place in the family. People are always blown away because when
we go on walks, Lauryn (my 4 year old) walks him and he says in perfect form along her left side. People
are stunned as Hooch weighs in at 175 lbs and Lauryn is about 45. This little girl walking a giant!
Little do they know Hooch would do anything Lauryn asked of him!
All I can say is THANK YOU! Hooch has provided us with happiness and love!
Enjoy the pictures and take care!
Pictured below at 1 year old

Pictured below at 12 months old
Hi Sandy!
I just wanted to send you some recent of pictures of Hooch at 1 year old. He is quite the boy! As I informed you,
he is now a Certified Therapy Dog with TDInc as well as an American Red Cross Animal Therapist (ARCAAT).
He is doing just wonderful and I gave him a hug from you!
Enjoy the pictures and Merriest of Christmas's to you,
Jim and all the 4-legged boys and girls!
Quite possibly in another year I might be thinking of adding on... know of any possible brindle boys coming down the road?
Hint! Hint!
Thanks again for sure a wonderful dog!
Hooch will be 1 year old on December 7th...
Last Wednesday evening he passed his test for Therapy
Dog Certification and American Red Cross Animal Therapist!!!!!!
Hooch's picture will be taken
and a special ID made up for the American Red Cross, that will allow Hooch access to virtually
The Senior Evaluator can not "officially" submit his paperwork until he turns
1 year on Dec 7th, but he passed!!!!!!!!!!!
His training has paid off.... I couldn't be happier!!!
Pictured below at 10 months old

Hi Sandy!
I wanted to send you some pictures and an update on Hooch. He continues to amaze and impress EVERYONE
that he meets. The neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods all know Hooch and come out of their houses
when we walk by just to see him and pet him. Hooch has the postal driver, the bus driver, the garbage man,
the UPS guy and the FedEx guy all smitten with him... they all show up at least once or twice a week with treats
just for him.
He is almost 11 months old and weighes a very muscular 155 lbs. He is solid as a rock
and quite the "leaner". He loves to snuggle, have his legs rubbed and lean on you for attention!
He adores ALL children, adults and other dogs.
He is so obedient and listens wonderfully.
When we go out on walks and another person or dog approaches on the same side of the sidewalk, it is customary for
Hooch to sit, then down. He has gotten so good at this that he will do it without any commands now!
People are floored and comment how wonderful this simple gesture is and how much they appreciate it!
We start Therapy classes on Wednesday! He will have his TDI Certification on his first birthday if all goes
as planned!
I continue to teach Puppy, Basic Level 2 and now CGC Level 3 classes at the dog training
center nearby. It is so much fun sharing Hooch as well as everything I have learned with
others and very rewarding to get emails from happy dog owners telling me how much they loved my classes.
Hooch is making
life so wonderful for so many people. I can't thank you enough for choosing him for our family -- he is a perfect fit!
Pictured below at 7 months old with Bacchus at 2.5 years old.

Pictured below at almost 7 months old.

Pictured below at almost 7 months old with his brother Fezik.

Pictured below at 5 & 6 months old.

Pictured below at almost 6 months old -
Hooch at 100 pounds, LJ at 60 pounds.

Hi Sandy!
Hooch passed his CGC certification on Monday evening! We were given a special invitation to come and
take the test by one of the instructors for his puppy class. He did FANTASTIC! We were in a new room,
new location with 9 new dog/handler teams. The other teams were shocked that Hooch was only 5 months old
and was able to pass the test so soundly. I am so happy with Hooch and so proud of him. He loves
going to obedience classes and tries so hard to please.
Thanks again! I couldn't be happier with my Hoochie Boy and the work we are doing!
Pictured below at 4 months old.

Hi Sandy!
All is just going SUPER with Hooch! He is sweet, well-mannered and SO handsome. Obedience training
continues to go extremely well. Hooch has been given the go ahead from the CGC
Evaluator to enroll in Level 3 CGC Advanced Obedience Class starting in the beginning of June. He is amazing with
the things he learns and performs them on command flawlessly.
During this past Tuesday night's class
the trainer (CGC Evaluator) gave him the highest compliment... she said that after watching Hooch closely for 6 weeks
and his performance and manners, she completely trusts him off leash with other dogs and humans. I must have looked
at her strangely because she continued on to explain her comment. She said very rarely a puppy or dog will
come through her classes that she feels this way about. She went on to say that she has watched while Hooch
has been approached rapidly and aggressively from other dogs in the class and his reaction is always the same...
he sits, remains calm and handles himself with such dignity. When other handlers have approached, he immediately
sits without having to be told to wait for their greeting (never paws, jumps up). In fact, when we have to perform
walking on leash in pairs, the instructors always pair Hooch beside the uncontrollable, hyper dog in the class...
Hooch pays no attention to the dog and walks calmly in control looking to me for commands at all times.
He is just
I am enjoying classes and obedience work so much that it has become a passion. The instructors can't wait to get
him certified for therapy dog work-- they know he will be wonderful at it. I am enjoying taking him into the
local schools... the kids LOVE him and he is great with them! Everyone knows Hooch!! LOL!
Neighbors streets down will come out of their houses just to come pet and say "Hi!" to Hooch. They can't remember
MY name, but everyone sure remembers Hooch's name!
Thanks again, Sandy, for Hooch. He gives us so much joy. He also has given me something to finally
be passionate about. I always tell people... some people are passionate about scrapbooking or other hobbies.
I am passionate about Hooch and my therapy work/obedience training with him.
Pictured below at 15 weeks old.

Pictured below at 14 weeks old.

Pictured below at 13 weeks old.

Pictured below at 12 weeks old.

Hi Sandy!
I just wanted to send you an update on Hooch.
I had his second training session on Thursday evening and
it went extremely well! He learns commands very quickly and is able to repetitively perform them
within minutes of learning.
So far we have learned: Sit, Down, Collar (used for standing
still while hooking the leash up), his name, walking on leash.
We are currently working on the
commands: Release, Touch, Spin, Leave it, and no biting.
Hooch starts his
formal AKC STAR Puppy class on March 30 with the same instructor who has been giving us private lessons.
She is very impressed by him and his intelligence. She said he will be the star of the class for sure
and already has mastered a lot of what is required in the class.
Socialization has been going AWESOME. He has no hesitation when being introduced to something new
and remains very calm and attentive to his surroundings. Some of his accomplishments are: walking on all
types of surfaces; walking over drainage grating with water flowing underneath; crawling through tunnels; climbing
into tents; in and out of laundry baskets. He has been introduced to very noisy things (pop-pop mowers,
regular mowers, loud trains, blenders, snow blowers, buses with air-brakes, garbage trucks, vacuums) and has
had NO problem observing them and relaxing while near them.
His reaction to anything new is to sit
down and watch while I repeat "good boy."
Potty training is on track. He has not had an accident
since he was 10 weeks old! He will go to the door, sit and stare at the door. If no one sees him,
he will grab the bells hanging near the door and shake them to alert us to the fact he is there waiting to go.
He is a fantastic puppy! Ear cleaning, coat brushing and teeth brushing are of no concern; he loves it!
Nail trimming is difficult even with reward for me to perform by myself (he is strong). If Jeff helps,
it goes smoothly.
The only real problem that I am having is with the puppy biting. Hooch leaves
the kids alone and does not bite at them (wonderful!). He is fairly aggressive with me and Jeff.
I have tried a dramatic, high pitched yipe which works sometimes. We continue to redirect by stuffing toys
into his mouth when he bites. I have tried bitter apple spray which works, but I don't have it at arms
reach all the time when I need it. I have gotten up, turned my back and walked away which works sometimes,
other times he will follow and bite at your pant leg.
Do you have any other
suggestions to stop the biting? I appreciate any advice you can give me! :-)
Thanks for listening Sandy... overall Hooch is AMAZING and such a wonderful addition to our family! Now, if
the biting would just ease up!! :-)
Thanks a million!
Pictured below at 8 and 9 weeks old.

Above are pictures and updates from Hooch's new family in Dillsburg, PA.
Click here to see pictures of
Hooch during his first 8 weeks at Deepwood Acres.